In order to join a test, please follow these instructions: Anything you particularly like? Do you love the new stats for a previously underpowered vehicle? Confirm to the developers that the community is now satisfied with that feature, letting them focus on other new improvements.If you think something doesn’t function well, then please tell us. Honest feedback about vehicles and game mechanics.Got stuck in the scenery? Game crashes when you do a certain action? Tell us all about it! Any bugs or glitches that you have found in the game.

The sort of feedback we are particularly interested in includes: The community managers will collect up all your responses on the thread and send them to the developers. The appropriate links will be provided in the respective announcement. Once you have been playing for a while, please let us know your feedback by posting in the dedicated forum threads. These threads are divided into two categories: bug reportsand general feedback about the test version. We encourage you to try out all the new features and see what you can do! Once you have logged into the test client, you are free to play as much or as little as you want. The rate at which you gain credits and experience will not be increased for the test unless stated otherwise in the appropriate announcement. This means that you still need to play nice or you will face the usual consequences in the same way as you would on the official game server.Īll test accounts will receive a one-time credit of:

The test server is subject to the same EULA and general rules as the World of Tanks game server.